Emergency Medical Services Program

Emergency medical worker standing with arms crossed

Attention EMS service providers: On January 1, 2023, the Houston Health Department's updated minimum equipment list will go into effect. All ambulances that operate in the City of Houston will be required to meet the new equipment requirements. 

Download Essential Equipment for Ambulances (effective January 1, 2023)

Book Your Decal Inspection Using the Scheduler Below

Decal inspections are by appointment only. Be sure when your ambulance is brought to for inspection, it is equipped and supplied to the highest level listed on the Texas DSHS license. For example; if the ambulance is licensed as BLS with MICU capability, it will be inspected at the MICU level, and will be required to have all MICU equipment and medications. Unit must meet City of Houston essential equipment requirements, as well as the equipment requirements set by the company medical director.

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Page last reviewed: July 9, 2024