Health Services
Dental Services
We offer comprehensive dental care to adults and children (starting at six months) and teach you how to maintain good oral health.

Project Saving Smiles
Project Saving Smiles targets elementary schools in the Houston area that have 50% or more students enrolled in the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Participating schools provide bus transportation for their students to and from the Project Saving Smiles location.

Family Planning and Reproductive Health
The Houston Health Department’s Title X Family Planning and Reproductive Health Program ensures that quality family planning and related preventive health services are available to all individuals of reproductive age, to prevent unplanned pregnancies for women between the ages of 14–51, through core family planning clinical services, education, and outreach.

Health Centers
We provide patient services to meet the community’s present and future needs in family planning, immunizations, tuberculosis diagnosis, care for sexually transmitted diseases, and dental care.

We protect Houston communities from vaccine-preventable diseases.

See to Succeed
The See to Succeed program provides free vision exams and quality corrective eyewear to school children 6-18 years old with unresolved vision needs from Houston area school districts and charter schools. See to Succeed is a public-private partnership initiative created to solve a health issue for children in the greater Houston and surrounding areas.