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Page last reviewed: December 28, 2023
Get Moving Houston Urban Gardens
The Get Moving Houston Urban Gardens provide hands-on experience in vegetable gardening and urban agriculture to community members and encourage the consumption of local fruits and vegetables.
The gardens are an interactive learning opportunity to demonstrate nutrition and gardening practices in an urban environment. It promotes physical activity and mental well-being through social interactions for people of all ages.

Garden Locations
Gardens are located at our multi-service centers.
Get Involved
- Join a garden club (application form) — Gardens are maintained by community members. Clubs have a charter, minimum members, and regular meeting/engagements.
- Volunteer (application form) — We offer hands-on experience in vegetable gardening and urban agriculture to community members and encourage the consumption of local fruits and vegetables.
- Get Moving Houston Urban Gardens Program (monthly report form)
Garden volunteer opportunities
- All dates are no longer that 1-1 ½ hours long.
- Meet up at the MSC listed.
- Contact Person on site is Alicia Harris @ 346-554-2943.
- Gloves, hand tools and water will be provided.
Types of Gardens
There are 15 garden sites across the City of Houston, designated by type as a Garden Club, Specialty Garden, Employee Garden or Hybrid Garden (combo of two types).
- Garden Club — Gardens are maintained by community members and volunteers. Clubs have a charter, minimum members and regular meeting/engagements.
- Specialty Garden — Gardens used for Office of Chronic Disease, Health Education and Wellness programs and/or use as platform for urban agriculture projects.
- Employee Gardens — Workplace gardens that are maintained by volunteer, Houston Health Department staff.