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Page last reviewed: October 18, 2023

Breathe With Pride

The women sitting on the grass and smiling

The mission of the Breathe With Pride: Houston LGBTQ2IA+ Tobacco Prevention and Control Initiative is to reduce the tobacco-related health disparities among the LGBTQ2IA+ communities, and to help implement evidence-based programs and activities focusing on the reduction of tobacco use amid the LGBTQ2IA+ population.

Breathe With Pride logo

Quote from Source

While overall smoking rates have declined in recent years, smoking rates remain higher among specific subpopulations, including the LGBTQ+ community. These differences are in large part due to the tobacco industry’s targeted marketing through advertising, price discounting and other strategies.

Tobacco Discriminates

Members of the LGBTQ+ community at all ages experience nicotine addiction at higher rates than straight individuals. Contributing factors include discrimination, stress caused by social stigma, and target marketing from tobacco companies.

Understanding the statistics and why they exist is the first step in being part of the change.

Special Report

Community Health Needs Assessment of Tobacco Use among Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals in Houston, Texas

Newsletter and Coalition