MBK Partner Programs
Page last reviewed: January 22, 2024
MBK ReDirect Diversion Program
The MBK ReDirect Diversion program diverts youth from out-of-home placement or commitment to the Texas Department Juvenile Justice by providing high-risk youth a chance to change their lives.
In partnership with The Harris County Juvenile Court system, we endorse the fundamental principle that both pre-adjudication and post-adjudication diversion is appropriate in certain circumstances.
Once youth agree to enrollment in the ReDirect program, they will actively engage with the ReDirect staff and the entire My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) network and community partners in the development and implementation of their service plan.
ReDirect youth will work with their team until they learn to make better choices, manage personal crisis, advocate for themselves, appropriately engage in needed services and pro-social activities, contribute positively in their community and make restitution for their crimes.
Program Duration
The program will be tailored to the individual needs of each juvenile; consequently the minimum duration of the program will depend on the youth. The maximum time shall not exceed the court order or
supervision period with a continuum of services being provided until 18th birthday.
Juveniles participating in ReDirect will be assigned a mentor through the Credible Messengers Initiative.
The ReDirect Diversion Program is firmly rooted in evidence based practices, cognitive behavioral treatments and providing competency development for offenders and ensuring community safety.
ReDirect utilizes a wraparound approach to providing rehabilitative intervention strategies that includes:
- Evidence-Based Interventions such as Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
- Mentoring
- Support with community service
- Community based service linkage
- My Brother’s Keeper Network
- Intensive case management
The ReDirect Diversion Program includes the following:
- Improvement in areas of personal responsibility and coping skills
- The opportunity to develop a sense of community responsibility and accountability