Page last reviewed: March 22, 2024
HIV/STI Resources
In Sept. 2016, the Ryan White Planning Council and the Houston HIV Prevention Planning Group released the The Houston Area Comprehensive HIV Prevention and Care Services Plan for 2017 – 2021.
The purpose of the plan is to:
- Describe the current system of HIV prevention and care services in the Houston area;
- Describe an ideal system of HIV prevention and care services for the Houston area;
- Outline the specific activities needed to make progress toward this ideal system; and
- Describe how progress toward an ideal system will be measured.
The plan is intended to be used by the Ryan White Planning Council and the Houston HIV Planning Group, by Administrative Agents and grantees, by providers of HIV prevention and care services as well as by partners, stakeholders, and other decision-makers as they respond to the needs of people at risk for or infected with HIV.
Sharing Science Symposium 2018
- YouTube: Introduction
- YouTube: Sharing Science Symposium 2018
- Interventional Surveillance: Project PrIDE and Beyond
- Refillable-nanofluidic Implants for HIV PrEP
- Research in Youth
- Legal Barriers to Adolescent Participation in Research about HIV
- Eradication of HIV by T cell immunotherapy
- N-acetylcysteine and glycine supplementation in HIV patients rapidly improves Glutathione levels, mitochondrial function, muscle strength, insulin resistance, inflammation, and lowers body fat
- Kaposi Sarcoma Incidence Remains Unchanged Among African American Males in The Southern United States: U.S. Cancer Statistic Data, 2000-2014
- HIV Risk Perception, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Perspectives and Use among Women: Issues of Disclosure and Trust
Sharing Science Symposium 2017
- Video of Symposium 2017
- Building A Medical Home For Homeless With HIV Infection, Dr. Jessica A. Davila
- Novel Opportunities for Anal Cancer Screening, Dr. Alan Nyitray
- Is Starting ART in Acute HIV Infection Beneficial?, Dr. Netanya Utay
- Project PrIDE Update, Marlene McNeese
- Exploring Ways to Address Sexual Scripts and Gender-Power Differences for Black Women, Dr. Mandy Hill
- Cancer in People with HIV: VACS Data, Dr. Maria Rodriguez-Barradas
- Providing Social Support to Sexual and Gender Minority Youth, Dr. Michael Wilkerson